APLA’s Information Literacy Interest Group invites you to attend the Virtual Info Lit Drop-in Learning Space. This is an opportunity for those interested in information literacy instruction and practices to meet others with varied instruction experience to connect and share pedagogies, activities, and techniques.

The session will be held on Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 11:30am-12:30pm (ADT). Feel free to bring your lunch!

The theme for this drop-in session is What I Learned. We will be sharing stories about mistakes we made while teaching, and what we learned from them that has improved or will improve our instruction. We will also seek constructive feedback from fellow participants. You can share as much or as little as you feel comfortable sharing, and if you just want to listen to other participants’ stories, that is fine, too. This session is meant to be a safe space with the goal of encouraging and empowering fellow information professionals in their teaching journey.

You do not have to be currently employed as an information professional to participate in this session, nor does your teaching experience that you would like to share have to be from information literacy instruction sessions. All teaching  experience is relevant, as it shapes individuals as educators. Students are welcome to participate!

Please register using the form below:
